Monday, October 17, 2011

Keeping Track

After posting the last post, I noticed that Blogger tracks how many posts you have done on any given month or year. In 2010 we posted 85 times, yet as of today, we've only posted 28 times in 2011. Although I realize that we had so much going on last year with the renovation—it makes me feel like this year has been, well, rather uneventful. Or. Is it that we just aren't doing a very good job of tracking our year this year? I like to think it's the latter rather than that this year has been a bust. Maybe it's just that we are so busy enjoying our new apartment and neighborhood that we haven't been keeping you as well-informed? Regardless, I'd like to do better. This is sounding a bit new year's resolution-y. Appropriate as we near the end of the year, I think.


  1. You know - you can download the blogger app on your new iPhone and post photos/entries right from your phone and iPad too!

  2. Oooo. Good to know. I might just do that. Why aren't you posting anymore...?
