Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Green Room

After being away from the apartment for a few days, we were looking forward to our visit this evening. We weren't disappointed. A lot of drywall was put up in the hallway to the bedrooms. You can see how the new closet is taking shape (we're thinking this will be good for Costco supplies), as well as our lovely green guest bathroom (the green is water-resistant drywall, we think). At the end of that row of doors, is the entry to our guest bedroom. This has also been given the drywall treatment. It looks like the guest bedroom is now completely framed out.

Right now, one of the very last things to be framed is the closet across from the guest bathroom (which you can sort see the picture above, on the right side). Before that can be completed though, we are still waiting for Verizon to come and move their wires (which should be within the next two weeks, we hope). We're looking forward to tiling starting soon.


  1. Yep. Your right about the moisture resistant drywall. Its called green board. Not to worry, with a little primer it will be white too.

  2. Adriane, tell Murray we said thanks for passing all of his knowledge down to you :)
