Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby Naming

Last weekend we drove down to Maryland for Beia's baby naming. It was a special occasion in a few respects, beyond the naming ceremony itself. This was the first road trip for Beia and we were anxious to see how she'd do. This was the first time for Beia staying overnight anywhere but home. And this was the first time that Beia would be meeting so many new people all at once. All in all she did quite well. The road trip itself went fairly well, with only one or two meltdowns both ways. Can't really blame her, given how long the trip ended up being (5+ hours in the car). Steve's parents drove down with us, so we were all quite thankful for Beia's adaptability.

And adaptable she was. Beia slept, generally, quite ok at my parents house. We learned some important things for future trips away from home (bring a nightlight!) and we were a bit more flexible than usual with her naps (namely, we napped with her on the bed to help her sleep).

The naming itself was wonderful. It meant a lot to have both sets of grandparents there, along with so many Harris family friends. We were also lucky to have the Rabbi that married us perform the ceremony. He was also the Rabbi that officiated at my bat mitzvah and confirmation. He did, however, point out to us that we will eventually have to find a temple that doesn't involve commuting. He was fond of the Village Temple (in NYC)—mainly because the congregation would be the Village People...

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